From july 2021 on, IKM participates in the eASSESSMENT project, co-funded by the EU Erasmus+ programme. Partner countries are the UK, Portugal, Lithuania, Belgium, Germany and Greece.
The aim of the project is to support VET teachers and trainers to use e‐assessment with vocational learners by providing guidelines, tools, best practices and access to an online community. The project will focus on two sectors, construction and services (hospitality and social care) that according to the CEDEFOP Skills Panorama have high potential future employment growth among partner countries. The project aims to extend the DigiCompEdu Framework area 4 (Assessment) by defining new competence statements for VET teachers and trainers and to explore the potential of different e-assessment tools and methods. It will develop a toolkit for VET teachers /trainers analysing different e-assessment tools, providing examples of best practice of e-assessment in VET and guidelines to assist trainers to transition from narrow task-based assessment to using authentic, holistic assessment approaches. A MOOC will be open to participants in all countries, as will an online platform to support a Community of Practice on eAssessment in VET. Stay tuned!